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Professur für Arabistik – Prof. Valentina Serreli

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Team > Carolina Zucchi

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Zucchi-Carolina Carolina Zucchi

Faculty of Languages and Literatures
Chair of Arabic Studies

Doctoral Researcher in the Project 'Egypt as a transitional area for the spread of the Arabic language in Africa'

Carolina Zucchi holds a Master of Studies in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics from the University of Oxford and a Master of Letters in Middle Eastern Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of St Andrews. She completed her undergraduate studies in Arabic, Persian and Russian at the University of St Andrews. Her PhD project deals with the historical linguistic development of varieties of Arabic in Africa, specifically following migration waves of Arabic-speaking populations to and from Egypt starting from the 7th century. It aims to reconstruct the development history of specific linguistic features based on a large dataset of linguistic variables from a representative sample of Arabic varieties spoken in Egypt, the Sudan, the Lake Chad region, North Africa, Malta and the Iberian Peninsula. While the analysis will be carried out mainly employing statistical and historical linguistic methodologies, the reconstruction will be informed by the socio-historical circumstances of population movements in Africa and will entail consideration of language contact phenomena. Carolina’s main research interests are Semitic historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and Arabic dialectology, with a special eye to exploring applications of quantitative methodologies in historical linguistics. She is also interested in folklore studies, documentation of endangered languages and intangible cultural heritage.


Faculty of Languages and Literatures
Chair of Arabic Studies

Carolina Zucchi
Doctoral researcher

E-Mail: carolina.zucchi@uni-bayreuth.de

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Juniorprofessor Valentina Serreli

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